Mt Bishop Summit
It`s hard to pick a favorite walk at the Prom though this is definitely high up there for us. When you reach the top, at 319m and where impressive granite boulders surround the peak, The Mount Bishop Summit will reward you with panoramic views of the coastline, Tidal River and the offshore inlands of the Prom.
At the beginning of the hike, it is pretty easy going before it becomes a little more steep and narrow as you climb.
On the way down you can follow the same tracks to the carpark or extend your journey descending into Lilly Pilly Gully (LINK). To make it even more amazing visit the summit later in the day and enjoy the sunset!
The walk starts at Lilly Pilly Gully carpark, is 6,8 km long and is expected to take about 2,5 hours return. Don’t forget to wear proper footwear and bring lots of water. Enjoy the hike!